Cities flourish when all residents thrive.
We studied equitable and sustainable development around the world and found that empowering community leadership is key.
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5 video(s) found
People are not the Slum, the System is the Slum
- What stands out to you about this insight?
- Can you think of a time when you made assumptions about a person’s cognitive abilities based on their appearance?
Somsook Boonyabancha, is Chairperson, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR), a regional network of grassroots community organizations, NGO’s and professionals actively involved with urban poor development processes in Asian cities; former Director of the Community Organization Development Institute (CODI); Chairperson, of the Baan Mankong Program Committee.
Boonyabancha has been working and facilitating sustainable, equitable collective housing development and slum upgrading in Thailand and other Asian countries for 30 years – specializing in community-led initiatives. As director of CODI, she fostered a “city-wide” approach to community upgrading that has been replicated in cities across Thailand. She is based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Re-Develop, Re-Inhabit, Re-Green: Repurposing Dead Suburban Properties
Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
Three Generations to Rise Out of Poverty
- What vulnerabilities can pull people back into poverty where you live?
- What has your city done to help lift people out of poverty or what do you think could be done?
Bijal Brahmbhatt, Mahila Housing Trust
Bijal Brahmbhatt has spent three decades conceptualizing, planning, managing, and providing support for slum upgrading programs across India, with a focus on empowering women to advocate for themselves with local government in order to claim public goods and services central to their well-being. She works to improve living conditions, foster climate resilience and overall economic security, through socio-technical approaches. She is an expert in land tenure, housing finance, renewable energy issues, community development and is a trained engineer.
Modular Roofs for Climate Adaptation
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Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
What I Learned from DoorDash
Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
Educational materials in development. Contact us if you are interested in being a partner (
Sample videos from our Stories From the Field section. Master practitioners and community leaders share remarkable stories and insights on driving health equity. See more here.