Going to Scale 1: The Power of Community Networks

Cities in Thailand have fostered collaboration between community members, civil society, government, and academia for greater success in sustainable, equitable development. Community groups mentor and support one another, building a powerful network of learning and empowerment between communities that improves the city overall.

  • Are there places in your city /your region/ your work where you use Big Sister communities to guide Little Sister communities about particular issues or practices?
  • Is there a particular subject area in your city/ your work where you think it would be useful for communities to advise one another?
  • What are existing barriers to connecting communities, civil society, government and academia? How could those barriers be addressed?

Somsook Boonyabancha, is Chairperson, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR), a regional network of grassroots community organizations, NGO’s and professionals actively involved with urban poor development processes in Asian cities; former Director of the Community Organization Development Institute (CODI); Chairperson, of the Baan Mankong Program Committee.

Boonyabancha has been working and facilitating sustainable, equitable collective housing development and slum upgrading in Thailand and other Asian countries for 30 years – specializing in community-led initiatives. As director of CODI, she fostered a “city-wide” approach to community upgrading that has been replicated in cities across Thailand.  She is based in Bangkok, Thailand.

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