Mega-Events: City Marketing at the Expense of the Community

Cities justify the expense of hosting mega events by claiming that international visibility will yield economic benefit for the city. But most mega events cause more long-term economic harm than good, unless there is a specific plan for how the event investment will solve a specific problem or improve equity in the city.

  • Are there places or projects in your city where development has made existing problems worse, or created new problems? In what ways and why?
  • Are there places or projects in your city where development has solved challenges or improved quality of life for a variety of residents?
  • Do you have an idea for a project that could solve multiple problems in your city? What are some specifics?

Ramon Marrades is an Urban Economist, Director of Placemaking Europe and Founder of Vigla. He has spent his career creating sustainable, equitable, and lively public spaces that prioritize the needs of people and community. He is passionate about port cities, culture, and innovation and has worked as strategic advisor to a number of cities and large-scale development projects. Marrades is based in Valencia, Spain.

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